Hati-hati di Jalan

Selamat, Tuan
Kembali megarungi perantauan
Yang entah kapan
Puan dapat jumpai di persimpangan

Meski begitu, Tuan
Puan doakan selamat di perjalanan
Dan bahagia sampai tujuan
Kemudian, jangan lupa pulang!

Puan yang tetap sayang. 🌸

Spoil Yourself a Little, It’s Okay.

I know you cannot always be in your 100% version all the time, but hey, you can charge your self-battery for a while.

Spoil yourself a little! It is okay.

You can wear your favourite pajamas after a warm bath, snuggle your foot under a blanket, and take a little time to update your blog – or any other platform, it is okay too. And if you have a cup of anything warm; tea, coffee, hot chocolate, that would be perfect to reclaim your soul. Your long lost soul. Gurl, I know it is tired and it needs a pair of a peaceful mind with a peaceful body.

Or if you’re just too tired to give a single fish out of your life, wrap yourself up in a blanket like a sushi roll, lay on the couch and find your finest position. There! Now you’re ready to… do nothing. Well, enjoying life out of nothing is also okay!

Or if you’re too tired and too sentimental at the same time, after you sushi-rolled-up yourself, you can cry as much as your inner emo wants. It is okay too!

Or if you feel like you got no time to do them all… Just lift your head up, and say alhamdulillah – all praises just to Allah, for the life He has given to you. Perhaps you’ll find your tears streaming down on your face later, but I’m pretty sure you’ll find yourself somehow get fully charged for no certain reason. God alone works in a mysterious way, right?

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